Learning Outcome 5 & 6

I have never been amazing at grammar, spelling, or citations; however, I have improved in my skills. Primarily, the majority of my knowledge gain has been in the processes of citing my sources. In high school I would often used Citation Machine, or another automated citation generator, and never really looked to see if it had acquired the correct information. Although I do not have the process of citing materials memorized, I know where to go in order to create accurate citations. Both the library’s website and the book They Say, I Say have been extremely helpful this year. Additionally, in my Significant Writing Project, I was able to remember the proper MLA set up for numbering pages, and putting my name, date, section and professor in the top left corner. In terms of sentence-level error I am sure to read through my paper before handing it in, only look for grammatical and punctuation errors. I am not able to catch everything, but in this project, I found reading my paper out loud to be a great technique to find these errors. Lessons in class have taught me to be more conscience of misplacing modifiers and my use of commas.  Additionally, in the writing process I used to worry about these sentence-level errors first while revising, I now hold off until the end, and make global revisions first. This helps ensure that I make all the correct both global and local sentence changes.